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Equality Council UK

The Equality Council UK is an anti-discrimatory and anti hate crime charity. We aim to reduce prejudice and discrimination via education, including exhibitions on disability, racial equality, gender equality and LGBTQ+ equality. 


Our Vision

Our vision at the Equality Council UK is one of an equal society where differences are respected and all people are included.

Working with other people

To this end we will work with other organizations that are already nationally active in the area of equality, diversity and inclusion such as the Equality & Human Rights Commission, as well as with local organizations and individuals that share a similar vision. In recent years we have extended our reach from a local base into neighbouring regional localities and ultimately across England and other countries in the United Kingdom, building on our skills and capabilities and providing our services into communities as the opportunities allow.


Our mission

Our mission is to work towards the realization of an equal society by effectively challenging the incidence of hate crime, domestic violence, youth criminality and discrimination (particularly in employment) and engaging communities initially on a local and regional basis, and ultimately across the United Kingdom.

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Contact Us

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© Equality Council UK 2021

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